also known as jurema preta, calumbi, tepezcohuite, carbonal, cabrera, jurema, black jurema

This plant has been used by people for a long time for various reasions.
As described in Tepezcohuite, Mimosa hostilis is hypothesized to have been used in traditional indigenous medicine since the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations. This plant is however also quite known for its psychoactive exploration in Southern American Indegenous cultures, as well as being an important part of Native Brazilian medicine.
This plant has many healing proponents. A high tannin content is notable and explored by many as a blood coagulant. The tannins act as an astringent which promotes healing and the development of new tissue.
This plant is also quite known for its other healing properties relating to
This plant is also used cosmetically being quite popular in a wide array of cosmetic products, as well as a great natural dye we're considering experimenting with here at Entheogenic Emporium.